Take-out & Delivery on your Point of Sale Get to know your customers better using Auphan Dining takeout and delivery. We allow you to serve your customers better by providing a more efficient way to track your customers, every time they make an order. ![]() Customers ![]() Customer List Know who your clients are with the specialized customer system Auphan Dining tracks all relevant information from their name, address, contact, to how much they have spent Easily find existing customers through their phone numbers or names Know exactly what your customer orders and likes View their most frequently ordered items View past orders for reference Reorder any previous orders with just one click Save time and reduce errors Contact and address information printed directly on the receipt Take-out / Delivery kitchen slips are highlighted to let your kitchen staff prepare accordingly Consolidate customer online ordering information onto your point of sale system Quick Service Pickup and Delivery Buttons Keep a record of all your orders easily by using specialized Pickup and Delivery transactions. Add in new orders and close them fast like in quick service. Once your customer arrives for pick up, see all the invoices assigned by name or number on one screen, ready for you to print and close. Delivery Features Assign drivers to invoices using the Delivery Feature in Auphan Dining. Once an order is ready to be delivered, assign a driver to the invoice for delivery. Auphan Dining will keep track of all your deliveries, recording the time, payment method and amount collected for each driver. |